Casa Mateu
︎Publicada a Archilovers
[CAT] A Dolors i Marc se’ls havia revolucionat la vida amb l’arribada de Martina i Pau i des d’aleshores no havien pogut parar-se a pensar com adaptar la seua llar a aquesta nova aventura. Necessitaven un vestidor, un estudi, llits per als més menuts i molt d’espai de magatzem per amagar trastos i joguines.
[ENG] Dolors and Marc's life had been revolutionized with the arrival of Martina and Pau and since then they had not been able to stop and think about how to adapt their home to this new adventure. They needed a dressing room, a study, beds for the little ones and lots of storage space to hide junk and toys.
[CAT] Com el dormitori principal estava desproporcionat i era poc pràctic, proposem dues franges de magatzem que amaguen un vestidor i un estudi on refugiar-se del soroll.
[ENG] As the master bedroom was disproportionate and impractical, we propose two stripes of storage that hide a dressing room and a study where you can take refuge from the noise.
[CAT] Al dormitori infantil era imprescindible aconseguir que pogueren conviure dos terratrémols amb cert ordre i diversió per igual. L'armari-pont i la llitera verda alliberen la cambra, aconseguint espai per jugar i assentar-se a l'escriptori.
[ENG] In the children's bedroom it was essential to ensure that two earthquakes could coexist with a certain order and fun in equal measure. The wardrobe-bridge and the green bunk bed free up the room, getting space to play and sit at the desk.
[ENG] In the children's bedroom it was essential to ensure that two earthquakes could coexist with a certain order and fun in equal measure. The wardrobe-bridge and the green bunk bed free up the room, getting space to play and sit at the desk.
Setembre 2023 - Febrer 2024
Gràcia, Barcelona
Clients: Dolors + Marc + Pau + Martina
Disseny i direcció d’obra: Maria Aucejo
Construcció: Miguel Pérez
Fusteria: GOMAR ebanistas
Fotografia: Pol Masip
Gràcia, Barcelona
Clients: Dolors + Marc + Pau + Martina
Disseny i direcció d’obra: Maria Aucejo
Construcció: Miguel Pérez
Fusteria: GOMAR ebanistas
Fotografia: Pol Masip